509 Marble Ave. NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102

M. David Chacon, II, is a sole practitioner who owns and operates the Chacon Law Firm. The Firm represents a number of corporate clients on various civil and commercial litigation matters including personal injury, workers compensation, real estate and governmental affairs. Additionally, for the past eighteen (18) years, the Firm has represented the County of Bernalillo in various areas including civil appeals, condemnation, foreclosure, quiet title, tax refund lawsuits, general civil litigation, and purchasing/procurement matters. Among other duties, Mr. Chacon was previously assigned to represent the Bernalillo County Assessor and Treasurer in all litigation related matters. (He continues in this role as to the Treasurer’s Office.) Mr. Chacon regularly met with these departments and gave opinions regarding various legal issues involved. Further, Mr. Chacon’s representation encompassed all phases of the legal work required including the investigation, preparation of all briefs, memorandums, motions, court appearances, conferences, meetings, trials and legal research. Mr. Chacon has handled hundreds of civil claims filed against the County in the 2nd Judicial District Court and has previously handled and litigated thousands of administrative property tax protest proceedings.
Mr. Chacon’s substantial criminal practice experience and a fair portion of his practice includes the former prosecution and now the routine defense of various felony and misdemeanor charges in Bernalillo County, Taos, Grant, Santa Fe, Rio Arriba, Sandoval and Valencia Counties. The majority of the misdemeanor offenses include DWI, domestic violence-battery, drug possession, and traffic offenses. The felony cases range from charges of 1st Degree Murder to basic shoplifting.
In addition to the numerous administrative hearings handled on behalf of Bernalillo County, Mr. Chacon is the former Hearing Officer for the Pueblo of Isleta Gaming License Review Office (2002 to 2012). There, he routinely heard gaming license revocation evidentiary proceedings pursuant to the gaming regulations promulgated by the Isleta Tribal Council. Further, he continues to serve (since 2004) as a the New Mexico Gaming Control Board Hearing Officer who hears and decides all cases from New Mexico State Regulated Casinos. Additionally, he has previously been appointed by the New Mexico Superintendent of Insurance to hear level two administrative appeals as the chair of the respective hearing panels.
University of New Mexico, Juris Doctorate, cum laude and honors in clinical law (1996)
New Mexico State University, Bachelor of Accountancy and
Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics (1992)
Taos High School Graduate with honors (1987)
Bar admissions:
United States Supreme Court
United States 10th Circuit Court of Appeals
United States District Court for the District of New Mexico
United States District Court for the Western District of Texas
All New Mexico State Courts and Administrative Tribunals
Pueblo of Isleta Tribal Court