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Mr. Chacon is a member of a number of professional

organizations including the New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association, State Bar of New Mexico,

and the Hispanic National Bar Association.   


​He is deeply committed to the legal profession and has served

as a board member with various professional organizations. 

Below is a list organizations that he has worked with during his career.


  • Licensed to practice before all New Mexico State(1996) and Federal Courts(1997) the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals (1997), and the United States Supreme Court (2000);

  • Administrative Hearing Officer, New Mexico Gaming Control Board (2004-2017);

  • Assistant (Contract) Bernalillo County Attorney (1998-2017);

  • Gaming License Review Hearing Officer, Pueblo of Isleta (2002-2012);

  • New Mexico Board of Bar Examiners, January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2011 (Board Chair from 2009 through 2011)-Assisted the New Mexico Supreme Court in making attorney licensure decisions;

  • State Bar of New Mexico-Bar Commissioner-January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2014;

  • Adjunct Professor of Law, University of New Mexico School of Law, Spring 2000 to Spring 2003. Taught appellate advocacy to students as they prepared for and then competed in a national moot court competition; and

  • Democratic Nominee, Second Judicial District Court Judge, Div. III (2014)

LAWYER ADVERTISEMENT: These materials have been prepared by The Chacon Law Firm, LLC for informational purposes only and are not legal advice. 

The transmission or receipt of the information on this website does not create an attorney-client relationship. 

The information on this website also does not guarantee an outc​ome in a case. 

You should not act upon such information without seeking legal counsel.  

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